Community Harvest Baptist Church

Sunday Sundown Showdown Events

Will your family join the fun and craziness at the Sunday Sundown Showdown?

Here is the lineup so far:
July - Kick Ball & BBQ 7/14/2024. Come enjoy some BBQ and sports. All donations will go towards the building fund. Sponsored by the Taylor Family.
August - Boss of the Toss 8/18/2024. Come enjoy a Cornhole Tournament and some tacos. All donations will go towards building fund. Sponsored by The Cook Family.
September - "Serving" up Sloppy Joes 9/8/2024. Come enjoy some Volleyball and Sloppy Joes. All donations will go towards the building fund. Sponsored by the Ciraco Family.
October - TBD by Elaine & Lisa
November - TBD by the Norton Family
December - TBD by Aubrey

All Sunday Showdown Events start at 5:00PM!
All 2024 spots are taken - lets book up 2025!

2024 Vacation Bible School



Planning meeting - Sunday 6/2/2024.
AWANA Sunday 7/14/2024.

Mexico Misson Trip 2024


We have a few young people who are needing help to go on this trip. If you would like to help just mark your donation Mexico2024 or see Pastor Danny.

Impact Youth