Community Harvest Baptist Church

Mission of Our Church
The purpose of Community Harvest Baptist Church
 is to seek out the lost in our community, the surrounding areas, and the world. To lead them 
to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
To teach, train and disciple Christians into a 
closer walk with God using the Bible as the 
source document. To create a place of worship 
that honors God, fosters Christian fellowship, 
and encourages Christians to live more like 
Jesus Christ in every possible way. 

What We Believe

We have been redeemed by the blood of our Lord 
and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has forgiven our sins 
and has written our name in the Book of Life for 
all eternity. We believe that the Bible is the absolute 
inerrant Word of God. It is God - inspired and the 
Holy Word by which all persons should live. We 
believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to 
eternal life in heaven. We believe that Jesus Christ 
died for every person in this world and that belief in Him 
is the only way to receive eternal life. We believe that by Christ's command every Christian is to be a witness of the Gospel.